if lauren and max were to measure their fish with decimals, would it be easy to tell which fish is longer?explain why or why not.

wouldn't it be best in whole numbers than in decimals. This is my own opinion.

question y do u think it would be best in decimals?

someone please help me i type really fast and my dang mom is screaming at me telling me to get off in 15 mins

I am guessing that the choice is fractions or decimals. Decimals are easier to see the difference,Suppose one fish is 7 13/16 and the other fish is 7 3/4. Quck! Which is longer?

If Lauren and Max were to measure their fish with decimals, it would be relatively easy to tell which fish is longer. Decimal measurements provide greater precision compared to whole numbers, allowing for more accurate comparisons.

To determine which fish is longer, Lauren and Max would need to measure the length of their fish using a decimal or fractional measuring unit, such as inches or centimeters. The use of decimals would provide a more precise measurement than using whole numbers alone.

For example, if Lauren's fish measures 8.7 inches and Max's fish measures 8.3 inches, it is clear that Lauren's fish is longer. However, if both measurements were rounded to the nearest whole number, they would both be 8 inches, and it would be impossible to determine which fish is longer based on that information alone.

Using decimals allows for more accurate measurements and easy comparison. The decimal value provides more specific information about the length of an object, and two decimals can be directly compared to determine which is greater.