24. In a 2-dimensional Cartesian system, the y-component of a vector is known, and the angle between vector and x-axis is known. Which operation is used to calculate the magnitude of the vector? (taken with respect to the y-component)

The magnitude of the vector is

(y component)/sin A

where A is the angle between the vector and the-x axis

To calculate the magnitude of a vector in a 2-dimensional Cartesian system, you can use trigonometry.

Given that the y-component of the vector is known and the angle between the vector and the x-axis is known, we can use the trigonometric functions to find the magnitude.

The magnitude can be calculated using the formula:
Magnitude = y-component / sin(angle)

To find the magnitude, follow these steps:
1. Divide the y-component of the vector by the sine of the angle between the vector and the x-axis.
2. Calculate sin(angle) using a scientific calculator or by referring to a trigonometric table.
3. Divide the y-component by the value obtained in step 2.
4. The result will be the magnitude of the vector with respect to the y-component.

Note: Make sure that the angle is measured in radians if you are using a scientific calculator, or convert it to radians if it is given in degrees.

To calculate the magnitude of a vector given the y-component and the angle between the vector and the x-axis, you can use the trigonometric functions.

The magnitude of the vector can be calculated using the following formula:

magnitude = y-component / sin(angle)

- y-component is the known value of the y-component of the vector.
- angle is the known angle between the vector and the x-axis.

By dividing the y-component by the sine of the angle, you can find the magnitude of the vector with respect to the y-component.