The area under a normal curve distribution is I have an answer of equal to one. is this correct?

The total area under the normal curve is equal to 1.

Yes, that is correct. The area under a normal curve distribution is always equal to one. This is because a normal distribution is a probability distribution, and the total probability of any event occurring within the distribution is always equal to one.

To understand why, we can consider the properties of a normal distribution. A normal distribution is symmetric and bell-shaped, and it extends infinitely in both directions. The probability density function (PDF) of a normal distribution describes the likelihood of observing a specific value within the distribution. The total area under the curve represents the probability of any value falling within the distribution.

To calculate the area under the normal curve, you would need to integrate the probability density function (PDF) over a specific range. The integral of the PDF over the entire range of the distribution would equal one. This means that the sum of all possible probabilities within the distribution is always equal to one.

So, if you have an answer of one for the area under a normal curve distribution, it means that you have correctly calculated or understood that the total probability under the curve is one.