Amy paid $67.15 for a pair of running shoes during a 15% off sale. What was the regular price?

$67.15 / 15% =

0.15x = 67.15

x = ?

To find the regular price of the shoes, we can use the equation:

Regular Price - (Discount Percentage * Regular Price) = Sale Price

In this case, the sale price is $67.15, and the discount percentage is 15%. Let's solve for the regular price:

Regular Price - (0.15 * Regular Price) = $67.15

To simplify the equation, we can factor out the regular price:

Regular Price * (1 - 0.15) = $67.15

Simplifying further, we have:

Regular Price * 0.85 = $67.15

Now divide both sides of the equation by 0.85 to solve for the regular price:

Regular Price = $67.15 / 0.85

Using a calculator, we can perform the division:

Regular Price ≈ $78.88

Therefore, the regular price of the running shoes was approximately $78.88.