A typical adult body contains 55 \% water. If a person has a mass of 70.0 kg, how many pounds of water does she have in her body?

To solve this problem, we need to calculate the mass of water in the person's body.

Step 1: Convert the person's mass from kilograms to pounds.

1 kilogram = 2.20462 pounds

So, 70.0 kg = 70.0 * 2.20462 pounds = 154.3234 pounds (rounded to four decimal places)

Step 2: Calculate the amount of water in the person's body.

Since the person's body contains 55% of water, we need to find out what 55% of 154.3234 pounds is.

55/100 * 154.3234 pounds = 84.8774 pounds (rounded to four decimal places)

Therefore, the person has approximately 84.8774 pounds of water in her body.

To find the number of pounds of water in the body, we need to determine the weight of the water in kilograms first and then convert it to pounds.

Step 1: Calculate the weight of water in kilograms
Since the body contains 55% water, we can find the weight of water by multiplying the total mass of the body by 55% or 0.55.

Weight of water in kilograms = 70.0 kg x 0.55 = 38.5 kg

Step 2: Convert the weight from kilograms to pounds
To convert from kilograms to pounds, we can use the conversion factor 1 kg = 2.20462 pounds.

Weight of water in pounds = 38.5 kg x 2.20462 pounds/kg

Calculating this will give us the final answer.