According to Procopius, two sixth century Christian monks undertook an elaborate smuggling operation to provide Byzantium with the knowledge to produce

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To answer this question, we need to consult the primary source of information, which in this case is Procopius. Procopius was a Byzantine historian who lived during the 6th century and wrote several works, including "The Secret History."

1. Start by searching for the works of Procopius. You can find translations of his writings in books or on reputable online sources.

2. Look for "The Secret History" by Procopius. This particular work contains information about secret and scandalous events that occurred during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I.

3. Once you find a legitimate source that provides the text of "The Secret History," search within the document for information about Christian monks involved in smuggling operations.

4. Read the relevant section(s) of the text to understand the details and context surrounding the smuggling operation referred to in the question. Procopius may provide additional information about the purpose of the smuggling, the knowledge being provided, and any other relevant details.

It's important to note that Procopius' writings, including "The Secret History," should be approached critically, as he was known for his often sensationalist and somewhat biased style of writing. Therefore, it can be helpful to consult other sources or scholarly interpretations to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the events described.