Does anyone know by any cahnge how much a bike was in the 1935's?

Also a website please...

Thank You

What search terms could you use in or or to find this kind of information? cost of bicycle in 1935 or something similar?

Several people have been doing the searching for you for days and DAYS. It's time for you to step up and try to do so yourself.

Try a GOOGLE or YAHOO search for: 1935 newspapers / 1935 newspaper ads / 1935 newspaper commercials...or even leave out the word "newspaper" for the last two. I found some very interesting ads just a few minutes ago!


To find out the cost of a bike in the 1930s, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by using a search engine, such as Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo.
2. Enter keywords like "bicycle price in 1935" or "cost of bike in 1930s."
3. Look for reliable sources that provide historical information or archives about bike prices during that time.
4. Websites that offer historical data, online archives, or forums discussing vintage bicycles might have the information you're looking for.
5. Take into consideration factors like the type of bike, brand, and any additional features that may affect the cost during that period.

As an AI language model, I cannot provide real-time information or specific websites. However, following the steps above should help you find the information you seek.