find the other endpoint of a line segment with the given midpoint (6,4) endpoint ((3, 5).

6= 3/2 and 4 = 5/2

12=6 and 8 = 10

12-6 and 8 - (-10)

End Point = (6, 18)

Let the other endpoint be (a,b)

then (a+3)/2 = 6
a+3 = 12
a = 9


(b+5)/2 = 4
b+5 = 8
b = 3

the other endpoint is (9,3)

(your answer would not give you a midpoint of (6,4) , you should have checked it)

To find the other endpoint of a line segment with a given midpoint and one endpoint, you can use the midpoint formula. The midpoint formula states that the x-coordinate of the midpoint is the average of the x-coordinates of the endpoints, and the y-coordinate of the midpoint is the average of the y-coordinates of the endpoints.

In this case, the given midpoint is (6, 4) and the given endpoint is (3, 5).

To find the x-coordinate of the other endpoint, you can subtract the x-coordinate of the midpoint from twice the x-coordinate of the given endpoint:

x2 = 2 * x1 - xm,
x2 = 2 * 3 - 6 = 6.

To find the y-coordinate of the other endpoint, you can subtract the y-coordinate of the midpoint from twice the y-coordinate of the given endpoint:

y2 = 2 * y1 - ym,
y2 = 2 * 5 - 4 = 6.

Therefore, the other endpoint of the line segment is (6, 6).