The height h in feet of an object after t seconds is given by the function. h=-16t^2+40t+9

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To find the height of an object at a specific time, we can plug t (the time in seconds) into the given function for h.

So, if we have a specific value for t, we can substitute it into the function h = -16t^2 + 40t + 9 to get the height at that time.

For example, if we want to find the height of the object at t = 3 seconds, we can substitute t = 3 into the equation:

h = -16(3)^2 + 40(3) + 9
= -16(9) + 120 + 9
= -144 + 120 + 9
= -15

Therefore, when t = 3 seconds, the height of the object is -15 feet.

You can use this process to find the height at any other specific time by substituting the desired value of t into the given function.