discuss the basic specifications for designing a form

If this is what your talking about, this information should help:)

*Use simple language. Clearly communicate what information is being requested.
*Provide full details. If a field requires a lengthy description, don’t skimp on details to conserve screen space.
*Use appropriate language. Do not use “surname� or “family name� if “last name� will be more broadly understood.
*Provide examples. When information must be entered in a certain format—such as the date format DD/MM/YY for day, month, year—explain the requirements and provide an example for users to follow. If users enter data in an incorrect format—for example, 4/3/2009 instead of 04/02/09—parse the data into the required format rather than ask users to renter the information.
*Mark required fields. Clearly indicate which fields are required for form submission. Make sure required fields are truly necessary to the task.
*Follow a logical flow. Follow established conventions for gathering information, such as title, first name, last name, company, street address, city, state/province, and so on. For keyboard-only users, make sure the tab order is the same as the visual order of form elements.
*Group related elements. Create sections of elements that relate to the same category, such as personal information, contact information, billing information, and so on.
*Avoid redundancy. Do not ask users to enter the same information more than once. If the same information might apply in multiple contexts, such as an address for shipping and billing, allow users to indicate that the same information applies