I am writing an essay based whether non fiction can equal or surpass fiction. I chose to write that non fiction can equal fiction and my 3 support aruguments it that they both have a purpose, both contain fictional elements(specifically conflict) and they both are authentic.

For authenticity could my primary support be that the authours include specific details about time, place and settings that are true but relvant to the story? Can this be a good support for how non-fiction equals fiction.

If this helps the non fiction book i choose is : American Chica by Marie Arana and for fiction im using Hamlet and Dr Jekyll and Mr HYde.

Thanks in advance

"both contain fictional elements" <~~ this is not true. Be crystal clear on these definitions:



Yes, using the inclusion of specific details about time, place, and settings in non-fiction books can be a good support for how non-fiction equals fiction in terms of authenticity. To further develop this argument, here's an explanation of how you can approach it:

1. Start by defining authenticity in literature: Authenticity refers to the degree to which a work accurately represents real-life events, people, and places. It demonstrates a commitment to truthfulness and factual accuracy.

2. Introduce the non-fiction book you have chosen, "American Chica" by Marie Arana, and briefly explain its content and themes. Highlight specific details of time, place, and setting that the author includes in her narrative, such as historical events, cultural contexts, or vivid descriptions of locations.

3. Compare the specific details found in "American Chica" to those in the fiction books you have selected, "Hamlet" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Evaluate how the non-fiction book's portrayal of time, place, and setting matches or surpasses the level of detail found in the fiction works.

4. Discuss how these accurate and specific details enhance the authenticity of "American Chica" and other non-fiction books. Explain how they contribute to the readers' understanding and engagement with the narrative, similar to how fictional elements like conflict enhance the reading experience in fiction.

5. Provide examples from "American Chica" where the inclusion of specific details creates a vivid and authentic experience for the reader. Analyze how these details affect the overall impact of the book and argue that they can be as captivating and compelling as fictional elements.

6. You can also mention the importance of research and fact-checking in non-fiction writing to further highlight the commitment to accuracy and reinforce the idea that non-fiction can equal fiction in terms of authenticity.

By using this approach, you can effectively argue that the inclusion of specific, true details about time, place, and settings in non-fiction books can support the claim that non-fiction equals fiction in terms of authenticity.