What caused the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor? Like what was their maine reason to get America involved in the war?

confused on this question...all the help is appreciated =] thanks!

The main reason for the attack was to destroy U.S. ships so that they couldn't fight Japan's attempt to take over the islands in the western Pacific. Check these sites for more details.



The main reason behind the Japanese decision to bomb Pearl Harbor was their desire to neutralize the threat posed by the United States in the Pacific. Here's how you can understand and explain this:

1. Contextualize the situation: To understand why Japan targeted Pearl Harbor, it's important to place it within the context of World War II. At the time, Japan was part of the Axis Powers along with Germany and Italy, while the United States was initially neutral but provided support to Allied nations.

2. Analyze Japan's strategic goal: Japan aimed to establish dominance in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly by expanding its territorial acquisitions to secure resources like oil, rubber, and iron ore. It sought to create a "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere," free from Western influence, to solidify its imperialistic agenda.

3. Consider the U.S. response: The United States, concerned by Japan's expansionism and invasion of China, responded by imposing an embargo on Japan, including restrictions on the export of vital resources like oil, scrap metal, and iron ore. This severely hampered Japan's ability to sustain its war effort and achieve its strategic goals.

4. Assess the attack on Pearl Harbor: Facing increasing economic pressure from the U.S. embargo, Japan's military leaders devised a plan to strike a decisive blow against the American Pacific Fleet, thereby crippling U.S. naval power in the region. This attack would pave the way for Japan to achieve its territorial ambitions without interference.

5. Outline the goals of the attack: By bombing Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Japan aimed to incapacitate the U.S. Pacific Fleet, providing a window of opportunity for its expansion and reducing the likelihood of U.S. intervention in its territorial conquests.

To summarize, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor primarily to eliminate the U.S. as a potential threat in the Pacific, allowing them to continue their imperialistic ambitions unopposed.

Remember, it's always helpful to provide historical context and analyze the motivations and actions of key players when explaining historical events like the bombing of Pearl Harbor.