x^2+4x-5 over 5x-5 time 5x over/x+5

this is far as get I can not seem where else to go

write it this way ....

(x^2+4x-5)/(5x-5) * 5x/(x+5)
= (x+5)(x-1)/(5(x-1)) * 5x(x+5)
= x , x ≠ 1,-5

How many different vacation plans are possible when choosing one each of

12 destinations, 3 lengths of stay, 5 travel options, and 4 types of accommodations

The problem is wrote like this


I have tried to work it. but canot get it.

Did you not look at my solution?

Cassie, please do not post a new question as a response to somebody else's problem.

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as to your problem ...
what is 12x3x5x4 = ??

the problem is x^2 plus 4x-minus 5 over5x-5 time 5x over x+5 without parenthesis.

x^2 plus 4x-minus 5 over5x-5 time 5x over x+5

has to be written with parenthesis in this format to have the proper order of operation

That is why I retyped it as
(x^2+4x-5)/(5x-5) * 5x/(x+5)

(x^2+4x-5)/(5x-5) * 5x/(x+5) is equivalent to
x^2 plus 4x-minus 5 over5x-5 time 5x over x+5

Problem: (X^2+4X-5)/(5X-5)*5X/(X+5)

The parenthesis are neccessary for clarity. Notice that the numerator and a portion of the denominator are factored.

To simplify the expression: (x^2+4x-5)/(5x-5) * (5x)/(x+5)

First, let's factorize the numerator and denominator of the first fraction to see if anything can be canceled out:

Numerator: x^2+4x-5
To factorize, we need to find two numbers whose sum is 4 and whose product is -5.
The numbers that satisfy these conditions are +5 and -1.
So, we can write the numerator as (x+5)(x-1).

Denominator: 5x-5
We can factor out 5 from the denominator, which gives us 5(x-1).

Now, let's rewrite the expression with the factored forms:

[(x+5)(x-1)] / [5(x-1)] * (5x)/(x+5)

Next, we can cancel out the common factors between the numerator and denominator:

[(x+5)(x-1)] / [5(x-1)] * (5x)/(x+5)
Cancelling (x+5) and (x-1):
[1] / [5] * (5x)

Finally, we simplify further:

[1] / [5] * (5x)
Multiply the numerators and denominators:
1 * 5x / 5
5x / 5
The 5's in the numerator and denominator cancel out:

Therefore, the simplified expression is x.