log5 x=2

hey use this key to help you out

exponential form: 10^3=1000 logarthimic form:log10 1000 = 3

therefore, your problem would be...
10^2 = x
10 x 10 = 100 x = 100

log5 x=2

by definition,
5^2 = x
x = 25

To solve the equation log5 x = 2, you want to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Convert the logarithmic equation into exponential form. In this case, since the base is 5 and the result is 2, we can rewrite the equation as 5^2 = x.

Step 2: Simplify 5^2. 5^2 = 25.

So, the solution to the equation log5 x = 2 is x = 25.

To solve the equation log5 x = 2, we need to isolate x.

The equation log5 x = 2 can be rewritten in exponential form as 5^2 = x.

Therefore, x = 25.

To check the solution, substitute x = 25 back into the original equation:

log5 25 = 2

log5 (5^2) = 2

2 = 2

Since the equation is true, x = 25 is the solution to the equation log5 x = 2.