what expression represents (2x^3)(8x^5)/4x^6?

in simplest form?

(1) x^2

(2) x^9
(3) 4x^2
(4) 4x^9


The answer is: -8+10

:) I got it right on edge!

To simplify the expression (2x^3)(8x^5)/4x^6, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the constants (coefficients) in the numerator: 2 * 8 = 16.

Step 2: Multiply the variables with the same base (x) and add their exponents: x^3 * x^5 = x^(3+5) = x^8.

Step 3: Divide the resulting terms in the numerator by the term in the denominator: 16x^8 / 4x^6.

Step 4: When dividing with the same base, subtract the exponents: x^8 / x^6 = x^(8-6) = x^2.

So, the final simplified expression is 16x^2.