Calculate ÄG°373 in kJ for the following reaction at 100 °C, using data from your text.

5SO3(g) + 2NH3(g) --> 2NO(g) + 5SO2(g) + 3H2O(g)
Enter answer in decimal form, including the sign.

Look up delta Go for each, then

delta Gorxn = (delta Goproducts)-(delta Goreactants)

To calculate ÄG°373 in kJ for the given reaction, you will need to use the enthalpy of formation values for the compounds involved.

Step 1: Look up the standard enthalpy of formation values for each compound involved in the reaction. These values can be found in a reference book or online database.

Step 2: Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation for the reactants and products of the reaction.

For 5SO3(g):
- Convert the given quantity of 5SO3(g) to moles.
- Multiply the moles by the standard enthalpy of formation of SO3.

For 2NH3(g):
- Convert the given quantity of 2NH3(g) to moles.
- Multiply the moles by the standard enthalpy of formation of NH3.

For 2NO(g):
- Convert the given quantity of 2NO(g) to moles.
- Multiply the moles by the standard enthalpy of formation of NO.

For 5SO2(g):
- Convert the given quantity of 5SO2(g) to moles.
- Multiply the moles by the standard enthalpy of formation of SO2.

For 3H2O(g):
- Convert the given quantity of 3H2O(g) to moles.
- Multiply the moles by the standard enthalpy of formation of H2O.

Step 3: Calculate the sum of the standard enthalpies of formation for the products.
- Add the enthalpies calculated for 2NO(g), 5SO2(g), and 3H2O(g) together.

Step 4: Calculate the sum of the standard enthalpies of formation for the reactants.
- Add the enthalpies calculated for 5SO3(g) and 2NH3(g) together.

Step 5: Calculate the change in standard enthalpy for the reaction.
- Subtract the sum of the enthalpies for the reactants from the sum of the enthalpies for the products.

Step 6: Convert the change in standard enthalpy from J to kJ.
- Divide the change in enthalpy by 1000 to convert from J to kJ.

The final result will be the calculated change in standard enthalpy (ÄG°373) for the reaction at 100 °C, expressed in decimal form, including the sign.