What evidence indicates that there is competition taking place among the plants in a natural setting?

How do limiting factors play a role in the extinction of a population?

How important are the decomposer's in a biological community?

How do plants obtain N they need where they cannot use the N in the atmosphere?

To understand what evidence indicates competition among plants in a natural setting, one needs to observe certain patterns and behaviors. Here are a few key indicators:

1. Overlapping resource use: If different plant species occupy the same area and utilize similar resources such as sunlight, water, or nutrients, it suggests competition for those resources.

2. Size and growth differences: Unequal growth rates or differing plant sizes within a population of the same species may suggest competition for resources. Plants competing for limited resources may show stunted growth or reduced reproductive output.

3. Root competition: Observing root systems can reveal competition for limited soil nutrients and water. Overlapping root systems, the presence of root hairs, or the development of deep taproots are all signs of plants competing for resources.

4. Allelopathy: Some plants release chemicals that inhibit the growth of other nearby plants. This chemical interference can be a clear sign of competition for space and resources.

To understand the role of limiting factors in the extinction of a population, we need to consider how these factors can restrict the population's growth or survival. Limiting factors are environmental factors that have the potential to limit a population's size or distribution. They can include factors like food availability, water availability, suitable habitat, predation, disease, or competition.

If a population is already experiencing stress or is close to its carrying capacity due to these limiting factors, any additional pressures can lead to a decline in the population. For example, if a population is already struggling to find enough food due to limited resources, introducing a new predator or disease can further decrease the population size, potentially leading to extinction.

The decomposer's role in a biological community is crucial. Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, break down dead organic material, recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem. They play an essential role in nutrient cycling, as they decompose and break down complex organic matter into simpler forms that can be absorbed by plants and other organisms.

Without decomposers, organic matter would accumulate, leading to nutrient limitations and hindering the growth of new organisms. Decomposers ensure the continuous availability of essential nutrients, facilitating the functioning and productivity of the entire biological community.

Plants require nitrogen (N) for their growth and development. While plants cannot directly use the nitrogen in the atmosphere, they obtain the nitrogen they need through various processes:

1. Nitrogen fixation: Certain bacteria, such as Rhizobium, establish a symbiotic relationship with legume plants, such as soybeans or clover. These bacteria reside in root nodules and convert atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form (ammonium), which the plant can take up.

2. Nitrate absorption: Plants can absorb nitrate ions (NO3-) from the soil through their roots. These nitrate ions are formed through the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates by soil bacteria in a process called nitrification.

3. Ammonium absorption: Certain non-legume plants can take up ammonium ions (NH4+) from the soil directly.

In summary, plants acquire the necessary nitrogen for growth either through the symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, by absorbing nitrates from the soil, or by directly taking up ammonium ions from the soil. These processes ensure plants have access to the nitrogen they need for their physiological functions.