The scale of map is 1:20000. Find the area on the map which represents 124km^2

would someone please solve this


To find the area on the map that represents 124km², we need to convert the area from square kilometers to the corresponding area on the map that is scaled by 1:20000.

First, let's determine the conversion factor:

Conversion factor = (Map Scale Denominator)^2

In this case, the conversion factor is (1/20000)^2 = 1/400000000.

Next, multiply the area you want to represent on the map (124km²) by the conversion factor:

Map Area = 124km² × (1/400000000)

Simplifying the calculation,
Map Area = 0.00000031 km²

Thus, the area on the map that represents 124km² is approximately 0.00000031 km².