formula for peimeter of cone and semicircle

formula for area of cone and semicircle

The cone is a solid, while the semicircle is only two dimensional. Are you talking about surface area of cone? Perimeter of base for the cone?

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the school swimming pool is 55 yards long and 23 yards wide what is the perimeter

The formulas for the perimeter and area of a cone and semicircle are as follows:

Perimeter of a Cone:
The concept of perimeter is more commonly used for two-dimensional figures like circles, squares, or polygons. However, cones do not really have a perimeter in the same way as these figures. Instead, they have a curved surface area and a base circumference.

Curved Surface Area (CSA) of a Cone:
The formula for the curved surface area of a cone is:
CSA = π * r * l
where "r" is the radius of the base of the cone and "l" is the slant height (the distance along the curved surface between the apex and the base).

Base Circumference of a Cone:
The formula for the base circumference (the perimeter of the circular base of the cone) is:
Circumference = 2 * π * r
where "r" is the radius of the base of the cone.

Area of a Cone:
The formula for the total surface area (including both the curved surface area and the base area) of a cone is:
Area = π * r * (r + l)
where "r" is the radius of the base of the cone and "l" is the slant height.

Now, moving on to the formulas for a semicircle:

Perimeter of a Semicircle:
The perimeter of a semicircle is the sum of the curved portion (half of the circumference of the full circle) and the straight portion (the diameter). The formula is:
Perimeter = (π * r) + (2 * r)
where "r" is the radius of the semicircle.

Area of a Semicircle:
The formula for the area of a semicircle is half the area of the corresponding full circle. The formula is:
Area = (1/2) * π * r^2
where "r" is the radius of the semicircle.

Remember, these formulas are applicable only for a perfect cone and a perfect semicircle.