"The best in this kind are but shadows" is

What is your question? Do you have choices of answers?

One difference between tragedy and comedy is that tragedy

One difference between tragedy and comedy is that tragedy

A. uses supernatuarl elements

B. usually features an extraodinary hero.

C.makes us laugh at ourselves,not others.

D. uses metaphors and analogy to make its point.

a quote from William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest". In this line, the character Prospero is reflecting on the ephemeral nature of human experiences and accomplishments. He is suggesting that even the most exceptional things in life are transient or illusory, similar to shadows.

If you are looking for further information or a deeper analysis of this quote, there are a few ways you can go about it:

1. Read the Play: To fully understand the context and significance of this quote, you can read the entire play "The Tempest". You can find a copy of the play in various formats - physical books, digital copies, or even online sources.

2. Research Literary Analysis: Shakespearean plays are extensively studied, and you can find scholarly articles and critical essays online that analyze different aspects of "The Tempest". These analyses can give you a more in-depth understanding of the themes and symbolism within the play, including the significance of this particular quote.

3. Consult Literature Guides: There are numerous study guides and textbooks available that provide detailed explanations and interpretations of famous literary works, including "The Tempest". These guides often break down the play, its characters, and key themes, providing additional perspectives and insights.

By delving into these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of the quote and its place within Shakespeare's work.