Are molecules with double bonds hard to break apart? if so why/why not

Double bonds consist of a sigma bond and a pi bond. The pi bonds is not as strong as the sigma bond.

Molecules with double bonds can be harder to break apart compared to molecules with single bonds. This is because double bonds consist of a stronger pi bond, in addition to the sigma bond found in single bonds. The pi bond restricts the rotation around the bond axis and provides additional stability to the molecule.

To break a double bond, more energy is required compared to a single bond because both the sigma and pi bonds need to be broken simultaneously. The energy required to break a bond is known as the bond dissociation energy, and it is generally higher for double bonds than for single bonds.

However, it's important to note that the ease of breaking a bond also depends on other factors such as the nature of the atoms involved, the presence of functional groups, and the reaction conditions. Therefore, it is not accurate to say that all molecules with double bonds are always hard to break apart; it depends on the specific molecules and the circumstances in which the breaking is attempted.

Molecules with double bonds can be relatively harder to break apart compared to molecules with single bonds. The reason for this lies in the concept of bond strength and bond energy.

A double bond consists of two pairs of electrons shared between two atoms, which results in a stronger bond compared to a single bond that consists of only one pair of shared electrons. The presence of more electrons shared between the atoms in a double bond creates a stronger attraction, making it more difficult to break.

When a chemical reaction occurs, the bonds between atoms in molecules are broken, and new bonds are formed to create new molecules. Breaking a bond requires energy, which is known as bond dissociation energy or bond energy. The bond energy of a double bond is typically higher than that of a single bond because it takes more energy to break the stronger double bond.

Therefore, molecules with double bonds often require more energy to break apart compared to molecules with single bonds. However, it is important to note that the ease or difficulty of breaking a bond also depends on other factors such as the specific atoms involved, overall molecule structure, and the presence of other functional groups.