population of wales

Check this site for the population of Wales plus a lot of additional information about this part of the United Kingdom.


To find the population of Wales, you can visit various reliable sources such as official government websites, statistical agencies, or reputable databases. Here is a step-by-step guide to finding the population of Wales:

1. Go to your preferred internet browser and copy the provided link: http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/ukw.htm.
2. Open a new tab or window in your browser.
3. Paste the copied link into the address bar of the new tab or window.
4. Press Enter or Return on your keyboard or click the Go button to visit the website.
5. Once you are on the WorldAtlas website, scroll down or search for information about the United Kingdom.
6. Look specifically for data related to Wales, as it may provide the population figure you are looking for.
7. Note that the website may also provide additional information about Wales, including its geographic features, economy, and demographic statistics.
8. Locate the population figure for Wales on the page, which is often displayed alongside other pertinent information.
9. Take note of the population figure for Wales.

While the provided link may be a useful source for general information about various countries, it is always recommended to cross-reference the information with other reliable sources to ensure accuracy.