the determining factors of gender identification and gender roles

o State the factors that determine gender identity.
o Explain how a person’s masculine and feminine traits can be described using the continuum of masculinity-femininity

To a great extent, gender identity is determined by how you are labeled by your parents and others on the basis of your genitals.

Here are some articles that might be helpful:

Determining Factors of Gender Identification:

1. Biological Factors: Biological factors include sex chromosomes (XX for females and XY for males), hormones (such as estrogen and testosterone), and anatomy (reproductive organs).

2. Psychological Factors: Psychological factors refer to an individual's personal sense of being male, female, or a combination of both. This is known as gender identity, which may or may not align with an individual's biological sex.

3. Social Factors: Social factors include cultural norms, socialization processes, and gender roles that are enforced and reinforced by society. These factors can shape an individual's understanding and expression of their gender identity.

Explanation of Masculine and Feminine Traits using the Continuum of Masculinity-Femininity:
The continuum of masculinity-femininity refers to a spectrum that represents a range of characteristics typically associated with masculinity and femininity.

Masculine traits: Traits that are typically associated with masculinity include physical strength, assertiveness, independence, competitiveness, and being task-oriented. These traits can be described as "masculine" as they have historically been associated with males due to societal expectations and traditional gender roles.

Feminine traits: Traits that are typically associated with femininity include nurturing, empathy, communication skills, emotional sensitivity, and being relationship-oriented. These traits have historically been associated with females due to societal expectations and traditional gender roles.

It's important to note that traits associated with masculinity or femininity are not exclusive to one gender. Each individual possesses a unique combination of these traits, which can fall at various points along the continuum. Some individuals may exhibit more traditionally masculine traits, some may exhibit more traditionally feminine traits, and others may exhibit a balanced blend of both.

Understanding the continuum of masculinity-femininity helps challenge the notion that certain traits belong exclusively to one gender. It allows for a broader appreciation and acceptance of diverse expressions of gender identity and the range of traits that individuals can possess, irrespective of their biological sex.