What are the main events leading to the Spanish-American War?

What are the result of the Spanish-American war?

Could someone post a bulleted list and a website?

When did this happen, year?


The main events leading to the Spanish-American War can be summarized as follows:

1. Cuban Rebellion: In 1895, the Cuban people revolted against Spanish colonial rule, seeking independence.

2. Yellow Journalism: Newspapers in the United States, known for sensational journalism, exaggerated stories about Spanish atrocities in Cuba, creating public outrage.

3. Sinking of USS Maine: In February 1898, the American battleship, USS Maine, exploded in Havana Harbor. While the cause of the explosion remains unclear, the incident was popularly blamed on Spain, increasing tensions.

4. De Lôme Letter: In February 1898, a private letter written by the Spanish ambassador to the United States insulting President McKinley was intercepted and published, further fueling anti-Spanish sentiment.

5. War Declaration: In April 1898, the United States declared war on Spain, aiming to free Cuba from Spanish rule and protect American interests.

The results of the Spanish-American War were significant:

1. Treaty of Paris: Signed in December 1898, this treaty officially ended the war. As a result, Spain relinquished control of Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States.

2. Independence for Cuba: While the United States did not annex Cuba, it guaranteed its independence, although with some limitations on political autonomy.

3. Emergence as a World Power: The war marked the United States' emergence as a global power, with vast territorial acquisitions and an increased role in international affairs.

4. Debate on American Imperialism: The acquisition of overseas territories sparked a national debate in the United States about the country's role in the world and the ethics of imperialism.

Here is a bulleted list summarizing the main events and results:

Events leading to the war:
- Cuban Rebellion
- Yellow Journalism
- Sinking of USS Maine
- De Lôme Letter

Results of the war:
- Treaty of Paris
- Independence for Cuba
- Emergence as a World Power
- Debate on American Imperialism

For more detailed information, you can refer to the following website:
- [https://www.history.com/topics/early-20th-century-us/spanish-american-war](https://www.history.com/topics/early-20th-century-us/spanish-american-war)

The Spanish-American War took place in the year 1898.

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