I am completely confused can anyone help me? Here is my question....

For each body system, identify which body approach(es) might best be used to organize information. Choose only from the following approaches: microscopic-to-macroscopic, body directions and planes, body cavities, and quadrants and regions. Justify your reasoning.

System Approach Explanation


quadrants and regions


body cavities







body directions and planes


Neurology : It organizes the information

The nervous system controls all body functions.

It receives information from inside and outside the body and then sends out messages to appropriate organs in the body in response to this information.

The organs of the body that receive such information are known as receptor organs and include the eyes, ears, skin and nose.

Organs in the muscles and joints provide further information

which appendix is it

To determine which body approach(es) might best be used to organize information for each body system, we can analyze the functions and characteristics of the respective systems. Let's go through each system one by one:

1. Gastroenterology: This system deals with the digestive tract and its associated organs. Quadrants and regions would be an appropriate approach to organize information about this system because it allows for the division of the abdomen into four quadrants and nine regions, making it easier to locate and discuss specific organs or structures within the digestive system.

2. Pulmonology: This system focuses on the respiratory system and its associated organs. Body cavities would be a suitable approach to organize information for pulmonology because the lungs and other respiratory structures are located within the thoracic cavity, which can be further divided into different segments to discuss specific aspects of the respiratory system.

3. Cardiology: The cardiovascular system is the main focus of cardiology. In this case, the best approach to organize information would depend on the specific aspect being discussed. However, body cavities could be useful, as the heart and major blood vessels are located within the thoracic cavity.

4. Hematology: This system deals with blood and blood-forming organs. The microscopic-to-macroscopic approach would be appropriate here, as it allows for the examination of blood cells and their structures on a microscopic level, as well as the study of larger blood vessels and organs involved in hematopoiesis.

5. Immunology: The immune system is the main focus of immunology. The best approach to organize information would depend on the specific aspect being discussed. However, microscopic-to-macroscopic could be relevant here as well, as it allows for the examination of immune cells and their interactions on a microscopic level, as well as the study of larger organs involved in immune responses.

6. Orthopedics: This system pertains to the musculoskeletal system. The specific approach would depend on the aspect being discussed within orthopedics. For example, body directions and planes could be useful when discussing the movements and orientations of bones and joints.

7. Neurology: This system focuses on the nervous system. Body directions and planes would be an appropriate approach to organize information because it allows for the discussion of the specific anatomical locations and orientations of different parts of the nervous system.

8. Endocrinology: This system deals with the endocrine glands and their associated hormones. The specific approach would depend on the aspect being discussed within endocrinology. For example, body cavities could be relevant when discussing the organs where endocrine glands are located.

In cases where a specific approach hasn't been provided for a system, it is important to consider the specific aspect of the system being discussed in order to determine the most appropriate approach for organizing information.