what is molality of solution . in which Nacl and H2o have equal moles.


molality= (Xb * 1000)/(1-Xb)*Ma

Xb= mole fraction of nacl=0.5


The molality of a solution is a measure of the concentration of solute in a solution, expressed in terms of the amount of the solute (in moles) per kilogram of the solvent. In this case, the solute is NaCl (sodium chloride) and the solvent is H2O (water).

To find the molality of the solution when NaCl and H2O have equal moles, you need to know the moles of NaCl and the mass of water. Since the moles of NaCl and H2O are equal, we can assume that we have 1 mole of NaCl.

To calculate the molality, we need to know the mass of the solvent, which is water. Let's assume we have 1 kilogram (1000 grams) of water.

Now that we have the necessary information, we can calculate the molality by using the formula:

Molality (m) = moles of solute (NaCl) / mass of solvent (H2O in kg)

Since we have assumed 1 mole of NaCl and 1 kilogram of water, the calculation becomes:

Molality (m) = 1 mole / 1 kg

Therefore, the molality of the solution, when NaCl and H2O have equal moles, is 1 mol/kg.