what effects have the national indian gaming association, the bureau of indian affairs, and the national congress of american indians have in reducing tribal poverty and encouraging prosperity?

Very little because most tribes don't have gaming licenses.

Check the resources recommended by your course materials for more information.

The effect that these organizations have had on reducing tribal poverty and encouraging prosperity has been a positive one. because the different tribes are able to run casinos on the reservations this has given american indians a way to be able to survive and prosper in today's society. The different organizations also give american indians the opportunity to be able to attend higher education so that they can be able to run a successful business and create job opportunities for other tribal members.

These organizations have done very little on reducing tribal poverty and encouraging prosperity. As noted in our text: Today’s Native Americans are the “most undernourished, most short-lived, least educated, least healthy.” The BIA was organized to be in charge of the accounts of landowners. However, they have failed in every way. Most Indian Americans only receive about $20 a month for their land. A lot of this land has been leased out to the government and they are drilling oil on this land which is very rich in minerals, one barrel of this oil is sold for $21, and the government is only giving the Indian Americans $20 a month?

The National Congress of American Indians, also known as NCAI, was founded in 1944 in Denver, registered itself as a lobby in Washington, D.C., hoping to make the Native American perspective heard in the aftermath of the Reorganization Act. They were concerned about white people meddling in their business.

Casinos have helped some tribes but only about one-third of the recognized Indian tribes have gambling ventures. As sited in our text: There are two important factors that need to be considered. First, the impact of this revenue is limited. The tribes that make substantial revenue from gambling are a small fraction of all Native American people. Second, even on reservations that benefit from gambling enterprises, the levels of unemployment are substantially higher and the family income significantly lower than for the nation as a whole.

Indian Americans are making tremendous gains but the rest of the world is not standing still. As Native American income rises, so does White income. As Native American children stay in school longer, so do White children. American Indian health care improves, but so does White health care. Advances have been made, but the gap between the two stay the same.

The National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA), the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) play important roles in reducing tribal poverty and encouraging prosperity among Native American tribes. Let's look at each organization's effects individually:

1. National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA):
- NIGA represents tribal gaming interests and works to protect and promote Indian gaming rights. Indian gaming has been a significant source of revenue for many tribes, helping to generate jobs and economic growth.
- By advocating for tribal sovereignty and gaming rights, NIGA has contributed to the creation of thousands of jobs and the development of various industries in tribal communities, thereby reducing poverty levels.
- NIGA also focuses on establishing regulatory frameworks and promoting responsible gaming practices, ensuring that tribal gaming operations are conducted ethically and without harming the community.

2. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA):
- The BIA is an agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior responsible for providing services and assistance to federally recognized tribes and individual Native Americans.
- The BIA administers various programs related to education, economic development, social services, and natural resource management. These programs aim to address the underlying factors contributing to poverty and promote self-sufficiency within tribal communities.
- Through initiatives such as the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, the BIA has empowered tribes to take control of their own resources and create economic opportunities. This has allowed tribes to develop businesses, improve healthcare, and invest in education systems, ultimately leading to reduced poverty levels.

3. National Congress of American Indians (NCAI):
- The NCAI is the oldest and largest national organization representing Native American tribal governments and their citizens. It advocates for policy changes at the federal level that promote tribal self-governance, economic development, and the well-being of Native communities.
- By working with federal agencies and policymakers, NCAI helps shape legislation and policies that have a direct impact on tribal poverty and prosperity.
- The NCAI also provides a platform for tribes to share best practices and collaborate on economic development initiatives, fostering knowledge exchange and empowering tribes to create sustainable economic opportunities.

It is important to note that while these organizations have made significant contributions to reducing tribal poverty and promoting prosperity, many challenges still exist. The impact varies among different tribes due to factors such as location, historical context, and access to resources. Sustainable economic development requires a comprehensive approach involving tribal governments, partnerships with non-Native entities, and continued advocacy for Native rights and self-determination.