What is the the square root of 1000.

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To find the square root of 1000, you can use a calculator or perform the calculation manually.

If you prefer to use a calculator, simply enter "sqrt(1000)" into a scientific calculator or the search bar of a search engine. The result should be 31.6227766.

If you want to perform the calculation manually, you can use either the long division method or an algorithm called the Newton-Raphson method. However, both methods can be complex and time-consuming without the aid of a calculator.

The long division method involves repeatedly subtracting odd numbers from the given number until you reach zero or a close approximation. In the case of 1000, since it is a perfect square, the square root is an even number. By dividing it by 2 repeatedly, you can find the square root. In this case, the square root of 1000 is 31, as 31x31 equals 961 (the closest perfect square to 1000).

The Newton-Raphson method is an iterative method that repeatedly refines an initial estimation until the desired precision is achieved. It requires some knowledge of calculus and is too complex to explain here.

Overall, using a calculator is usually the most efficient and accurate method for finding square roots, especially for larger numbers like 1000.