what two distinct social groups setteld argentina?

ani idea?

Yes, I can help with that! To determine the two distinct social groups that settled Argentina, we need to look at the country's history. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Research the history of Argentina: Begin by looking into the colonization and settlement of Argentina. Check reliable sources such as books, academic articles, or reputable online resources.

2. Explore the periods of colonization: Argentina was colonized by various European powers, including Spain. Investigate the colonial period and the different waves of settlers who arrived in the country.

3. Identify the social groups: Within the colonization process, different social groups emerged based on factors such as ethnicity, social status, and occupation. Look for information about the primary social groups that settled in Argentina during this time.

4. Analyze the distinct groups: Based on the information you gather, identify at least two major social groups that settled in Argentina. Consider aspects such as their origin, cultural background, and their role in shaping the country's society.

Remember, it's important to critically evaluate the sources you use to ensure accuracy and reliability. Once you have researched these steps, you should be able to find the answer to your question about the two distinct social groups that settled Argentina.