The probability that a school bus is late is 0.04. How many times would you expect the bus to be late in a 5-week period?

See DrWLS's previous answer for this question.

To determine the expected number of times the bus would be late in a 5-week period, we can use the concept of expected value. The expected value is calculated by multiplying the probability of an event occurring by the number of times the event is expected to occur.

In this case, the probability that the bus is late is 0.04, and we want to find out the expected number of times the bus would be late in a 5-week period.

The expected value is given by:

Expected value = Probability * Number of trials

In our case, the probability is 0.04, and the number of trials is 5 (representing 5 weeks). Therefore, the expected number of times the bus would be late in a 5-week period is:

Expected value = 0.04 * 5 = 0.2

So, we would expect the bus to be late approximately 0.2 times in a 5-week period. Since you cannot have a fraction of a bus being late, you can say that you expect the bus to be late once in every 5-week period, on average.