How do you simplify these questions?:

1. cos^2(x/2)-sin^2(x/2)

2. 2cos^2(3A)-1

3. sin 2x/1+cos2x

I think number 3 is tan 2x?

The other two I don't know.
Thanks for the help

It looks like you are working with the expansions of

sin 2A and cos 2A, and are expected to know those formulas

1. is a direct result of the expansion of
cos 2A = cos^2 A - sin^2 A
so cos^2(x/2)-sin^2(x/2) = cosx

2. again, direct application
2cos^2(3A)-1 = cos 6A

3. sin 2x/1+cos2x
= 2sinxcosx/(1 + cos^2 x - sin^2 x)
= 2sinxcosx(cos^2 x + cos^2 x)
= 2sinxcosx/(2cos^2 x)
= sinx/cosx
= tanx

You had tan 2x