- The ways in which states around the globe have related to each other during various periods and the issues that have shaped their interactions. I need 4 specific events, at t 1 of which must come from the period prior to 1700, t one must come from 1700-1900, and 1 must come from the 20th century. 1 example must come from a non-European and non-American context.

this is what I came up with so far
Japan & America during WWII- fighting now get along
Spheres of influence in China set stage for economic exploitation, handicapped Qing dynasty ability to deal with domestic disorder
Opium War

I also need those 4 examples listed above in relation to these questions
The relationship between the individual and the state and how that relationship has changed over time.
- The relationship between technology, individuals, and states throughout these periods.

Here are four specific events that meet the criteria you provided, along with explanations of how they address the questions about the relationship between the individual and the state, as well as the relationship between technology, individuals, and states throughout different time periods:

1. The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494): This event took place prior to 1700 and involved the division of newly discovered lands between Spain and Portugal. The treaty was an agreement between the two European powers to settle conflicts over their expanding colonial territories. It highlights the relationship between the state and the individual by emphasizing how the actions of states could dramatically shape the lives and opportunities of individuals. The treaty led to the establishment of new colonies, colonization efforts, appropriation of resources, and ultimately influenced the lives and destinies of countless individuals living in those territories.

2. The Industrial Revolution (18th to 19th centuries): This period witnessed a rapid technological advancement in Europe and later spread to other parts of the world. The Industrial Revolution brought about significant changes in the relationship between the state, individuals, and technology. As states embraced industrialization, individuals increasingly became dependent on technology for their livelihoods and well-being. The state played a role in regulating industry and addressing social issues arising from the changes. This period also saw the rise of labor movements and the emergence of new political ideologies as individuals sought to assert their rights and improve their working conditions.

3. The Cold War (1947-1991): This event occurred in the 20th century and was a geopolitical confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, impacting the entire world. The relationship between the state and the individual during the Cold War was shaped by intense ideological competition and the quest for global dominance. It involved the state's influence on individuals through propaganda, surveillance, and restrictions on personal freedoms, as well as individuals' active engagement in state-related activities, such as military service or political activism. Technological advancements, particularly in the areas of nuclear weapons and space exploration, further intensified the global power competition between states.

4. The Decolonization Movement in Africa (mid-20th century): This example represents a non-European and non-American context. During the mid-20th century, numerous African colonies gained independence from European imperial powers. The relationship between the state and the individual during decolonization involved struggles for self-determination and the redefinition of national identities. Individuals played pivotal roles as political leaders, activists, and citizens in demanding and achieving independence. This movement was influenced not only by political factors but also by technological advancements, such as transportation and communication, which facilitated the mobilization of individuals and the exchange of ideas.

In summary, these four events provide insights into how the relationship between the individual and the state has changed over time and how technology has influenced these dynamics in various historical periods and contexts.