25g of a breakfast cereal contain 110 calories. How many calories are released per gram? Convert the answer above to joules.

Would it be 4.4cal/g and 18.4 joules?

To find out how many calories are released per gram, we need to divide the total number of calories by the weight in grams.

In this case, we have 25 grams of cereal containing 110 calories.

So, to find out how many calories are released per gram, we can use the following formula:

Calories per gram = Total calories / Weight in grams

Calories per gram = 110 calories / 25 grams

Calories per gram = 4.4 calories/gram

To convert calories to joules, we need to multiply the value in calories by a conversion factor.

The conversion factor is 4.184 joules/calorie.

So, to convert calories to joules, we can use the following formula:

Joules = Calories * Conversion Factor

Joules = 4.4 calories/gram * 4.184 joules/calorie

Joules ≈ 18.38 joules/gram

Therefore, the cereal releases approximately 4.4 calories per gram and this is equivalent to approximately 18.38 joules per gram.