in super bowl XXXV, the total number of points scored was 41. the winning team outscored the losing team by 27 points. what was the final score of the game?

a. 33 to 8
b. 34 to 7
c. 22 to 2
d. 18 to 6
i don't get this question

a high school basketball court is 34 ft longer than it is wide. if the perimeter of the court is 268, what are the dimensions of the court?

a. 234ft by 34ft
b. 67ft to 67ft
c. 70ft to 36ft
d. 84ft to 50ft
is the answer A

1. Which pair of numbers adds up to 41?

2. P = 2L + 2W

A. can't be right because the total perimeter is 268.
B. can't be right because the length and width are the same.
The perimeter for C. is 212.
Check and see if D. fits the problem.

1. X is the score of the losing team...

x+ 27= winning team

winning score+losing score=total points scored

x+(x+27)=41 combine x's...
2x+27=41 subtract 27 from both sides...
2x=14 get rid of the coefficient (divide by 2)

The losing team scored 7 points (x=7).
As said previously the winning score is the losing score plus 27. (x+27)
Losing team= 7
Winning Team= 34

oops... spelt equation wrong

To answer the first question:

The total number of points scored in Super Bowl XXXV was 41. The winning team outscored the losing team by 27 points.

Let's assume the losing team scored "x" number of points. Since the winning team outscored the losing team by 27 points, the winning team scored "x + 27" points.

The total number of points scored by both teams can be calculated by adding the scores of the winning and losing teams: "x" + "x + 27" = 41.

Combining like terms, we get: 2x + 27 = 41.

Subtracting 27 from both sides gives: 2x = 14.

Dividing by 2 on both sides gives: x = 7.

So the losing team scored 7 points and the winning team scored 7 + 27 = 34 points.

Therefore, the final score of the game was 34 to 7, which corresponds to option b.

To answer the second question:

If the high school basketball court is 34 ft longer than it is wide, let's assume the width of the court is "x" ft.

According to the given information, the length of the court would be "x + 34" ft.

The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is P = 2(length + width).

Substituting in the given perimeter of 268 ft, we have: 268 = 2(x + x + 34).

Simplifying further, we get: 268 = 2(2x + 34).

Expanding the brackets, we have: 268 = 4x + 68.

Subtracting 68 from both sides gives: 200 = 4x.

Dividing both sides by 4 gives: x = 50.

Therefore, the width of the court is 50 ft and the length is 50 + 34 = 84 ft.

So the dimensions of the court are 84 ft by 50 ft, which corresponds to option d.