What is an antithesis? and I can i create one if my thesis is "Using the characters in these literary pieces both authors assert that humans are naturally inclined to exhibit dark or evil side". My 3 arguments are that metamorphises, quest for the surreal and immoral behaviours diplayed by these characters show that they are natueally inclined to be evil. BUt im not sure how to create an anthesis for each of these arguments.

Thanks in advance for the help

An antithesis is the exact opposite.

So if you are saying that they are naturally inclined to be evil...the opposite might be that society provoked them to be evil. That they had influences that caused them to be evil.

1. Definition of antithesis:

1 a (1) : the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences (as in “action, not words” or “they promised freedom and provided slavery”) (2) : opposition, contrast <the antithesis of prose and verse> b (1) : the second of two opposing constituents of an antithesis (2) : the direct opposite <her temperament is the very antithesis of mine>
2 : the second stage of a dialectic process

2. "inclined to exhibit dark or evil side" = I'd add "a" = exhibit a dark or evil side...


An antithesis is a rhetorical device that involves the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, typically in a balanced or parallel structure. It is used to create a sense of contrast or opposition in writing or speech.

To create an antithesis for each of your arguments, you need to find contrasting ideas that challenge or negate the points you have made in your thesis. Let's take a closer look at each argument, and I will provide examples of possible antitheses.

Argument 1: Metamorphoses
Thesis: The metamorphoses of the characters in these literary pieces demonstrate their natural inclination towards evil.

Antithesis: While the characters may undergo metamorphoses, their transformation can be seen as a reflection of their capacity for growth and change, rather than a validation of their inherent evil.

Argument 2: Quest for the surreal
Thesis: The characters' pursuit of surreal experiences suggests their natural inclination towards evil.

Antithesis: Rather than indicating their natural evil, the characters' quest for the surreal can be interpreted as an exploration of the boundaries of human experience or a desire for transcendence.

Argument 3: Immoral behaviors displayed by characters
Thesis: The immoral behaviors exhibited by these characters indicate their inherent evil nature.

Antithesis: The characters' immoral behaviors may be contextualized as a response to their circumstances or as a reflection of flawed societal structures rather than an inherent evil nature.

Remember, antitheses serve as contrasting ideas to your thesis arguments. The purpose is to present different perspectives or interpretations that challenge and provide counterpoints to your main points.