In the short story defender of the faith,by philip roth,Explain 3 occasions where Grossbart tries to "manipulate" Marx.Is he successful in his attempts?

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To identify three occasions where Grossbart tries to manipulate Marx in the short story "Defender of the Faith" by Philip Roth, you can follow these steps:

1. Analyze the interactions between Grossbart and Marx throughout the story.
2. Identify instances where Grossbart attempts to influence or control Marx's actions or feelings.
3. Evaluate whether Grossbart's manipulation is successful or not.

While I don't have the exact text of the story available, I can guide you through the general process to identify and assess these instances.

1. Read through the story and pay close attention to the interactions between Grossbart and Marx. Look for situations where Grossbart displays manipulative behavior.
2. Look for signs of manipulation, such as subtle persuasion, emotional manipulation, or deceiving Marx for personal gain. Consider instances where Grossbart tries to exert control or exploit Marx's vulnerabilities.
3. Once you have identified potential occasions of manipulation, consider the outcome or consequences of Grossbart's actions. Did Marx fall into Grossbart's schemes, or was he able to see through the manipulation?
4. Evaluate whether Grossbart's attempts at manipulation were successful in achieving his desired outcome or influencing Marx's behavior in some way.
5. Finally, draw conclusions based on your analysis of the story. Determine whether Grossbart's manipulation had a significant impact on Marx's decisions, actions, or beliefs throughout the narrative.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify three occasions where Grossbart tries to manipulate Marx and evaluate the success of these attempts within the story.