In the short story defender of the faith by philip roth,Identify the criteria by which Captain Barrett judges a man's character.

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To identify the criteria by which Captain Barrett judges a man's character in the short story "Defender of the Faith" by Philip Roth, you can carefully analyze the text by following these steps:

1. Read the short story: Start by reading or re-reading the story to gain a thorough understanding of the plot, characters, and the context in which Captain Barrett appears.

2. Analyze Captain Barrett's interactions: Pay close attention to the scenes where Captain Barrett interacts with other characters, particularly the protagonist, Private Grossman. Focus on the Captain's statements, actions, and behavior towards Grossman throughout the story.

3. Note instances of judgment: Observe moments when Captain Barrett seems to assess or pass judgment on Private Grossman's character. Consider the language he uses, the tone of his voice, and his overall demeanor when addressing Grossman.

4. Identify recurring themes: Look for recurring themes or patterns within the story. Consider how these themes might relate to the criteria by which Captain Barrett judges a man's character. Ideas like honor, loyalty, duty, integrity, or adherence to traditional values may play a role in his evaluation.

5. Consider Barrett's military background: Reflect on Captain Barrett's role as a military officer and whether his judgment criteria are influenced by his experiences and beliefs. Military values such as discipline, obedience, courage, and loyalty might be essential factors in his assessment of character.

6. Review external references: Consult critical analyses, literary reviews, or scholarly articles on the story "Defender of the Faith" to gather additional perspectives. These external sources might shed light on the specific criteria used by Captain Barrett to evaluate character.

By following these steps, you will be able to closely examine the textual evidence and draw conclusions about the criteria by which Captain Barrett judges a man's character in "Defender of the Faith" by Philip Roth. Remember to support your conclusions with examples from the story to enhance the depth and credibility of your analysis.