Susan has red, blue, and yellow sweaters. Joanne has green, red, and white sweaters. Diane's sweaters are red, blue, and mauve. Each girl has only one sweater of each color and will pick a sweater to wear at random. Find the probability that each girl chooses a different color.

The answer is 17 out of 27. I do not know how to figure it out?

Segment AB has endpoints A(-3, 4) and B(-5, 2). Segment AB is reflected over the y axis to form segment A’B’. What are the coordinates for the endpoints of A’B’?

A. A’(3, -4) and B’(5, -2)

B. A’(3, 4) and B’(5, 2)

C. A’(-3, -4) and B’(-5, -2)

D. A’(-3, 4) and B’(5, -2)

write and slove 3 systems of equations :1)no solution 2)sinqle solution 3)many solution

To find the probability that each girl chooses a different color sweater, we need to determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

First, let's find the total number of possible outcomes. Each girl has three different color sweaters to choose from, so there are 3 options for Susan, 3 options for Joanne, and 3 options for Diane. Therefore, the total number of possible outcomes is 3 * 3 * 3 = 27.

Next, let's determine the number of favorable outcomes where each girl chooses a different color sweater. We can calculate this by considering the choices each girl has.

There are 3 options for Susan's sweater color. Once Susan has made her choice, there are only 2 remaining colors for Joanne to choose from, and once Joanne has made her choice, there is only 1 remaining color for Diane to choose from. Therefore, the number of favorable outcomes is 3 * 2 * 1 = 6.

Finally, we can calculate the probability by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes: 6/27 = 2/9.

Therefore, the probability that each girl chooses a different color sweater is 2/9.