Could someone please check my answers. If they are incorrect could you please give me the correct answers or tell me where I could find them.. Thanks...

1. A patient has unrealistic thoughts and behaviors despite an awareness that they’re inappropriate. She’s experiencing
A. phobia.
B. paraphilia.
C. panic attack.
D. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I chose A.

2. A patient is a loner and is indifferent to criticism or praise. This person may have
A. schizoid personality disorder.
B. phobia.
C. mood disorder.
D. antisocial disorder.

I chose A.

3. A patient is seen today for drooping of the upper eyelid. What condition is represented by
this description?
A. Scotoma
B. Strabismus
C. Glaucoma
D. Ptosis

I chose D.

4. An operative report states that a myringoplasty was performed. (Myring/o) is the root for
A. eardrum.
B. sound.
C. salivary.
D. tongue

I chose A.

5. An individual who is self-centered and constantly seeking attention suffers from _______
A. borderline
B. histrionic
C. narcissistic
D. dependent

I chose C.

6. A child requires surgery to correct an abnormal eye alignment. This condition is called
A. scotoma.
B. cryopexy.
C. blepharoplasty.
D. strabismus.

I chose D.

7. A two-year-old child’s right ear is examined. An abbreviation for the right ear is
A. AC.
B. AU.
C. AS.
D. AD.

I chose D.

8. A patient was admitted in an alternating state of mania and despair. What diagnosis does this
statement describe?
A. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
B. Bipolar disorder
C. Posttraumatic stress disorder
D. Anxiety

I chose B.

9. What is the main difference between treating cancer with radiation therapy and treating cancer with chemotherapy?
A. Radiation treats cells within the radiation field; chemotherapy treats cells throughout
the body.
B. Radiation is performed only externally; chemotherapy is performed only internally.
C. Radiation is used before surgery; chemotherapy is used after surgery.
D. Radiation is used on carcinomas; chemotherapy is used on sarcomas.

I chose A.

10. The main criterion for drugs classified as controlled substances is their level of
A. adverse reaction with other drugs.
B. effectiveness in treating a particular disease.
C. side effects.
D. addiction potential.

I chose D.

11. Based on your understanding of prefixes, roots, and suffixes, determine which one of the
following conditions would include an inflammation.
A. Ostosclerosis
B. Myasthenia
C. Cystitis
D. Achalasia

I chose C.

12. What is the main difference between a stem cell and a cancer cell?
A. A stem cell grows at a faster rate than a cancer cell.
B. A stem cell obeys signals to stop growth, but a cancer cell doesn’t.
C. A stem cell is usually external; a cancer cell is usually internal.
D. A stem cell doesn’t die, but a cancer cell can be killed with treatment.

I chose A.

13. Why is it important for a pharmacist to provide drug counseling to patients?
A. To attempt to avoid any adverse reactions with another drug
B. To avoid lawsuits from patients experiencing reactions to a drug
C. To increase the effectiveness of the drug
D. To explain antidotes for drugs with toxic effects

I chose A.

Thanks once again for any and all help...

1. through 11. = agreed

12. I choose B. Cancer cells are not inhibited in growth.
13. agreed


Thank you very much SraJMcGin for all of your help. I really appreciate it.. :)

Why is correct spelling is extremely important in medical terminology?

What are the compont parts that you use to build medical words?

Whate three guidelines that will help me with the spelling of medical words?

Why the pronounciation of medical words is so important?

Answer to #1 is B.

I'm taking the exact same class and doing the exact same thing but looking on other sites for answers.
Any of a group of psychosexual disorders characterized by sexual fantasies, feelings, or activities involving a nonhuman object, a nonconsenting partner such as a child, or pain or humiliation of oneself or one's partner
phobia- •persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
•A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.

1. The correct answer is D. obsessive-compulsive disorder. To find the correct answer, you can use a reliable mental health resource or consult a textbook or online source on abnormal psychology. These sources will provide information on the symptoms and characteristics of each disorder, allowing you to compare them and make an accurate choice.

2. The correct answer is A. schizoid personality disorder. To find the correct answer, you can refer to a textbook or online resource on personality disorders. These sources will provide information on the different personality disorders, their symptoms, and characteristics, allowing you to make an accurate choice.

3. The correct answer is D. ptosis. To find the correct answer, you can refer to a medical reference book or online resource on eye conditions or ophthalmology. These sources will provide information on different eye conditions and their symptoms, allowing you to make an accurate choice.

4. The correct answer is A. eardrum. To find the correct answer, you can refer to a medical terminology resource or textbook. These sources will provide information on the meaning of medical roots, prefixes, and suffixes, allowing you to identify the correct answer.

5. The correct answer is C. narcissistic. To find the correct answer, you can use a reliable psychology resource or consult a textbook or online source on personality disorders. These sources will provide information on the different personality disorders, their symptoms, and characteristics, allowing you to make an accurate choice.

6. The correct answer is D. strabismus. To find the correct answer, you can refer to a medical reference book or online resource on eye conditions or ophthalmology. These sources will provide information on different eye conditions and their symptoms, allowing you to make an accurate choice.

7. The correct answer is D. AD. To find the correct answer, you can refer to a medical abbreviation guide or look up the abbreviation for "right ear." These sources will provide a list of commonly used medical abbreviations, allowing you to identify the correct answer.

8. The correct answer is B. bipolar disorder. To find the correct answer, you can use a reliable mental health resource or consult a textbook or online source on mood disorders. These sources will provide information on the symptoms and characteristics of each disorder, allowing you to compare them and make an accurate choice.

9. The correct answer is A. Radiation treats cells within the radiation field; chemotherapy treats cells throughout the body. To find the correct answer, you can refer to reliable cancer treatment resources, medical textbooks, or consult a healthcare professional. These sources will provide information on the different treatment modalities used for cancer, allowing you to compare their mechanisms and effects.

10. The correct answer is D. addiction potential. To find the correct answer, you can refer to a reliable source on controlled substances or consult a pharmacology textbook. These sources will provide information on the criteria for classifying drugs as controlled substances, allowing you to identify the correct answer.

11. The correct answer is C. cystitis. To find the correct answer, you can use a medical terminology resource or consult a textbook on medical conditions and their prefixes, roots, and suffixes. These sources will provide definitions and examples of medical terms, allowing you to identify the correct answer.

12. The correct answer is B. A stem cell obeys signals to stop growth, but a cancer cell doesn't. To find the correct answer, you can refer to reliable sources on stem cells and cancer, such as medical textbooks or scientific journals. These sources will provide information on the characteristics of stem cells and cancer cells, allowing you to compare them and make an accurate choice.

13. The correct answer is A. To attempt to avoid any adverse reactions with another drug. To find the correct answer, you can refer to a reliable source on pharmacy practices or consult a textbook on pharmacy. These sources will provide information on the importance of drug counseling, allowing you to identify the correct answer.