Which of the following is equivalent to the expression (t2 − t − 6)(t − 3)−1 ?

a. t3 − 9t +18
b. (t − 2)(t + 3)
c. (t + 2)(t − 3)
d. (t − 2)
e. (t + 2)this is the answer how is the problem worked out?

If t +2 is the answer, you have typed the question wrong. It should be

(t^2 − t − 6)*(t − 3)^-1

You omitted the ^ for the exponents. The t-3 can be cancelled out after factoring (t^2 − t − 6).

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Which of the following ia equivalent to the expression (t^2-t-6)(t-3)^-1?

a. t^3-9t+18
b. (t-2)(t+3)
c. (t+2)(t-3)
d. (t-2)
e. (t+2)

The correct answer is e, however, I cannot figure out how to work the problem out to get that answer. Can you show me how to work this out correctly?


To find which expression is equivalent to the given expression, we need to simplify it.

The given expression is (t^2 − t − 6)(t − 3)^-1.

To simplify this expression, let's start with the term (t − 3)^-1. The exponent -1 means we are taking the reciprocal of the term t - 3, so we have 1/(t - 3).

Next, we need to multiply this by the expression (t^2 − t − 6).

Multiplying the two expressions, we get (t^2 − t − 6)/(t - 3).

Now, let's simplify the numerator by factoring the expression t^2 − t − 6. By factoring, we find that this expression can be written as (t - 3)(t + 2).

Therefore, our simplified expression is [(t - 3)(t + 2)]/(t - 3).

Now, we can cancel out the common factor (t - 3) in the numerator and denominator, leaving us with t + 2.

So the answer is (t + 2), which is option e.

Therefore, the correct answer is e. (t + 2).