how many strokes should be used to form the numeral 2

This is grade 12 ?


Roman or Arabic numerals?

To form the numeral "2," it typically requires two strokes. Here's a breakdown of the strokes involved and how to visualize them:

1. Vertical stroke: Begin by drawing a vertical line from top to bottom. This forms the main body of the numeral "2" and counts as one stroke. You can imagine it as a straight line that represents the height of the digit.

2. Horizontal stroke: After completing the vertical stroke, add a horizontal line towards the right, positioned slightly below the top end of the vertical stroke. This forms the top part of the numeral. The horizontal stroke is the second and final stroke required to create the number "2."

So, to summarize, the numeral "2" is formed using two strokes: one vertical stroke and one horizontal stroke.