why is it important to understand challenges in a species' environment in order to understand the species' evolution? Relate your answer to what Darwin referred ti as "the struggle for survival".

Understanding the challenges in a species' environment is crucial to understanding its evolution because it helps us grasp the concept of "the struggle for survival" mentioned by Charles Darwin.

When Darwin introduced the idea of the struggle for survival, he outlined how individuals within a species compete for limited resources like food, mates, and habitat. Those individuals that possess traits or characteristics better suited to their environment have a higher chance of surviving and reproducing.

To comprehend a species' adaptation to their environment, it's essential to identify the challenges they face. These challenges can include changes in climate, availability of food sources, predation, competition, or any other factor that affects the species' survival. By recognizing the specific challenges, scientists can observe how different individuals within a population respond to them.

For example, if a species faces increased competition for a particular food source, individuals with traits that allow them to access alternative food sources may have a higher chance of survival. Over time, this preference for alternative food sources might lead to evolutionary changes in the species, such as a modified digestive system or a preference for different habitats.

Additionally, understanding the challenges in a species' environment can provide insights into selective pressures that drive natural selection. Selective pressures are the factors that influence which traits become more common in a population and which traits become less common. By identifying these selective pressures, such as predators or environmental conditions, scientists can better understand the specific forces driving the species' evolution.

In summary, understanding the challenges in a species' environment is essential for comprehending their evolution because it allows us to observe how individuals adapt to their surroundings, survive, and reproduce. By recognizing the struggle for survival, as Darwin described, we can gain insights into the processes that shape a species' evolution over time.