Discuss the different developmental eras of American education. How did the philosophies and practices of those eras scaffold into what we see today?

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The different developmental eras of American education provide insights into the evolution of philosophies and practices that have shaped our current educational system. Let's discuss each era and how they have scaffolded into what we see today:

1. Colonial Era (1600s-1750s):
During this era, education was primarily based on religious teachings. Puritans valued literacy to read the Bible and established schools to teach reading, writing, and religious principles. Education was mainly accessible to wealthy families or those with connections to religious institutions.

Scaffolding: The emphasis on literacy and religious values laid the foundation for the importance of education and knowledge in American society.

2. Revolutionary Era (1760s-1800s):
As the United States sought independence and a new cultural identity, the educational focus shifted towards civic virtues, citizenship, and the need for an educated electorate. Prominent figures like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson advocated for public education as a means of democratizing knowledge.

Scaffolding: The idea of public education and the connection between education and democracy gained traction during this era, establishing the groundwork for future education reforms.

3. Common School Era (1820s-1880s):
Led by reformers such as Horace Mann, the Common School Movement sought to provide free, universal education to all children. Public schools were established, and a standardized curriculum was implemented with an emphasis on moral and social values.

Scaffolding: The concept of universal education emerged during this era, paving the way for inclusive educational opportunities for all American children regardless of social class or background.

4. Progressive Era (1890s-1920s):
The Progressive Era brought forth a shift towards child-centered education, influenced by educational philosophers like John Dewey. Progressive educators focused on experiential learning, hands-on activities, and individualized instruction. This era also witnessed the introduction of kindergartens and the inclusion of vocational education.

Scaffolding: The progressive education movement introduced a learner-centric approach and emphasized practical skills, critical thinking, and active learning, which are still influential today.

5. Post-World War II Era (1940s-1960s):
Following World War II, the baby boom led to increased demand for school expansion and educational reforms. This era witnessed educational innovations like the introduction of standardized testing, federal funding, and the focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects.

Scaffolding: The post-war era influenced educational policymaking, expanded access to higher education, and laid the groundwork for educational standards and accountability.

By understanding the philosophies and practices of these different developmental eras, we can see how they have scaffolded into what we see in today's American education system. This includes the importance of literacy, the connection between education and democracy, the emphasis on inclusivity, learner-centric approaches, practical skills, standardized testing, and the focus on STEM education. The evolution of American education has been shaped by the ideas and reforms introduced during these eras while adapting to societal needs and educational advancements.