Which one of the following lines best illustrates personification?

A. A narrow wind complains all day.
B. The fog comes on little cat feet.
C. Spring is a dream unsung.
D. She floated graceful as a dove.

You could say B. but to me it seems more like "animalification"and in that case, A. People seem to complain more than animals?


personification is an object having the characteristics of a human.

People "complain".

A narrow wind complains all day

The line that best illustrates personification is option B: "The fog comes on little cat feet."

To identify personification, we look for the attribution of human qualities or actions to non-human entities. In this line, the fog is given the ability to "come" and the behavior of moving with "little cat feet," which is a human-like action often associated with cats. This attributes a conscious and purposeful action to the fog, making it an example of personification.

To find the answer, analyze each line and identify any instances where non-human entities are given human-like qualities or actions. By understanding the concept of personification and examining the options closely, you can determine which line exhibits this literary device.