;A; Help writing a "topic sentence" about the dominican republic food?&& iwould need help on more of my essay .__. unfortunately theres no comment back button so idont know how i can do that either.

What did you learn so far? What are some food and drinks that they typically have?

So far i've learned that they have similar food to cuba and Puerto rico and some of their foods but icant post the site here iguess. I think i just need help writing it? Writing essays are very difficult for me and i have not had much practice. .___.;

Your topic sentence could be:

Food in the Dominican Republic is similar to that in Cuba and Puerto Rico.

How long does your essay have to be? What is the exact topic? (Food and drink in the Dominican Republic?) Any more details I should know? I'm having trouble of coming up with a topic sentence too, especially without this information.

Jen -- a previous post said that this is only a 200-word essay.

Thanks, Ms. Sue. Danii- Ms. Sue's topic sentence could be a good one if you are able to compare and contrast the Dominican food to Cuban and Puerto Rican food.

Oh thank goodness i'm finally getting help .___. thanks a lot!! Ohkay, well my paper says that i just have to find what is usually eaten for breakfast lunch and dinner. And other info that pertains to the foods and/or the eating habits of the country.

It has to be a 200 word essay @___@ and so far all i've put is..
" Dominican Republic.!
“Three things are needed for a good life, good friends, good food, and good song. “ – Jason Zebehaz
When I found out I was doing Dominican Republic I was very much excited, because I had heard that the Dominican Republic’s food was similar to Puerto Rico and Cuba’s especially when I heard that I could make my personal favorite, Tres Leches. "
Just to add at least something to get me started and less stressed out x___x

ohh...ohkay thanks you guys. I really appreciate it because since its the end of the year they seem to be jam packing projects on us. Can i continue getting help with doing this?

Yes, I went to the Dominican Republic once (Punta Cana). They had good food. I don't remember all of it, but I do remember very sweet desserts, and lots of meat and fish. If you search food and drink in the dominican republic, a lot comes up as well. I'm going to keep reading and see what I can find.

Danii -- Write about what else you've found about the food of the D.R.