What are the equations for the following?

Positron emission from silicon-26
Sodium-22 undergoes electron capture

I really don't get it
Thank you

All you really need to know is two things.

1. Can you add and subtract up to 2.
2. Do you know the mass and charge of particles?
A positron is a + electron, and we show it as 1e^0 where the 1 is the charge and the ^0 is the mass of zero. The subscripts must and the superscripts must add. The number appearing before is the subscript and the number with a caret after is a superscript.
16Si^26 ==> 1e^0 + 15X^26.
Note that 16 on the left equals 1 +15 on the right.(I got the 15 by 16-1=15). The 26 on the left equals ) + 26 on the right. I don't know what X is, now I look on the periodic table and I see that element number 15 is P and I can erase X and replace it with P.

For electron capture, we have
11Na^22 + -1e^0 ==> I will let you do this one. Just make the numbers on the right add to those on the left.

Positron Emissionfrpm silicon -26 would be:

26/14Si (arrow) Al + 0/+1 e

Sodium-22 undergoes electron capture
22/11Na + 0/-1e (arrow) 22/10Ne

You are absolutely correct. And I'm glad to saw I didn't read the atomic number of Si correctly. It is 14 big as life and not 16. Eyes again.

Thanks Dr. Bob

To understand the equations for positron emission from silicon-26 and electron capture in sodium-22, we need to look at the nuclear reactions that occur. Let's break down the process step by step:

1. Positron Emission from Silicon-26:
Positron emission occurs when a nucleus with too many protons compared to neutrons releases a positron (a positively charged particle) to achieve a more stable configuration. In this case, silicon-26 undergoes positron emission. The equation for positron emission from silicon-26 can be represented as:

^26Si --> ^26Al + ^0e

In this equation, ^26Si represents the silicon-26 nucleus, ^26Al represents the resulting aluminum-26 nucleus after positron emission, and ^0e represents the emitted positron.

2. Electron Capture in Sodium-22:
Electron capture is a nuclear process where an atom captures an electron from its inner shell and combines it with a proton, resulting in the formation of a neutron. In this case, sodium-22 undergoes electron capture. The equation for electron capture in sodium-22 can be represented as:

^22Na + ^0e --> ^22Ne

In this equation, ^22Na represents the sodium-22 nucleus before electron capture, ^0e represents the captured electron, and ^22Ne represents the resulting neon-22 nucleus after electron capture.

It's important to note that both positron emission and electron capture are examples of radioactive decay processes that occur in certain unstable nuclei to achieve greater stability.