if anyone's read the short story 'the last spin' by evan hunter, could they please give me some topics to write about in a journal entry? thanks. (specifically about 'we vs. they' thinking.)

thank you! it's bit late now, but the information looks helpful for future reference.

Certainly! If you're looking to write a journal entry related to the theme of "we vs. they" thinking in the short story "The Last Spin" by Evan Hunter, here are some potential topics you can explore:

1. Analysis of character perspectives: Analyze how the characters in the story perceive and divide themselves into distinct groups (we vs. they). Discuss how this mindset affects their actions, decisions, and relationships with others.

2. Stereotyping and its consequences: Explore how stereotyping plays a role in creating the division between "we" and "they." Discuss the effects of these stereotypes on individual characters and the broader consequences for the group dynamic.

3. Individual identity vs. group identity: Reflect on how the characters' individual identities are shaped by their belonging to a specific group. Discuss the conflicts and challenges they face when the group's identity clashes with their personal values or desires.

4. Power dynamics and social hierarchy: Investigate the power dynamics within the groups, as well as between different groups. Consider how "we vs. they" thinking perpetuates social hierarchies and exacerbates existing divisions.

5. Breaking the "we vs. they" mentality: Reflect on instances in the story where characters challenge or transcend the "we vs. they" mentality. Discuss how these moments of empathy, understanding, or personal growth contribute to breaking down barriers and fostering unity.

Remember, when writing your journal entry, it's important to support your ideas and arguments with evidence from the story. You can analyze specific character actions, dialogue, or symbolic elements to deepen your understanding of the theme.