Thanks for your last corrections. Can you check these sentences too?

1)Particular attention is paid to the analysis ad recollection of the impressions that an outside event causes in the inner world of the characters.
2) The facts are presented from different points of view at the same time rather than through the voice of an omniscient narrator.
3) The presentation of the characters is therefore introspective rather than descriptive.
4) In order to give a realistic framework to the characters’ formless thoughts he makes use of literary devices such as the free indirect speech, the epiphany and the interior monologue.
5) In “Dubliners” each story is told from the perspective of a character in the form of free indirect speech or thought. The mediation on the part of the narrator is reduced to a minimum.

6) Are these two sentences possible?
She recommended me to read the book.
She recommended I should read the book.

On the 6 one, say this: She recommended THAT I should read the book.

1) The sentence seems grammatically correct, but the usage of "ad" in "analysis ad recollection" appears to be a typo. It should be "and" instead of "ad".

2) The sentence is grammatically correct. It explains that the facts in the text are presented from multiple perspectives simultaneously, rather than being conveyed solely by an omniscient narrator.

3) The sentence is grammatically correct. It states that the presentation of the characters in the text focuses on introspection rather than providing a straightforward description.

4) The sentence is grammatically correct. It explains that the author uses literary devices such as free indirect speech, epiphany, and interior monologue to give a realistic structure to the characters' abstract thoughts.

5) The sentence is grammatically correct. It states that in the book "Dubliners," each story is narrated from the perspective of a character, using free indirect speech or thought. The involvement of the narrator is minimized.

6) Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they have different structures.

- "She recommended me to read the book." uses the noun "me" as the object of the verb "recommended" and uses the preposition "to" followed by the infinitive "read". This sentence structure is more commonly used in informal English.
- "She recommended I should read the book." uses the pronoun "I" as the object of the verb "recommended" and uses the modal verb "should" followed by the bare infinitive "read". This sentence structure is more formal and is commonly used in British English.