I can't fugure out how to solve (6-3w)(-w to the second power) please help

It has to equal something in order to solve....

i ment how do i simplify it

(6-3w)(-w^2 )

To simplify the expression (6-3w)(-w^2), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply each term of the first factor (6, -3w) by the second factor (-w^2).

(6) * (-w^2) = -6w^2
(-3w) * (-w^2) = 3w^3

Step 2: Combine the results obtained in step 1.

-6w^2 + 3w^3

Therefore, the simplified form of (6-3w)(-w^2) is -6w^2 + 3w^3.