which clarifies the meaning of this sentence:

its true that the companies don't put junkbin young peoples mouths

A.young people like eating junk food.
B. junk food companies target young people
C. companies put junk food in adults mouths
D. companies don't force young people to eat junk food

Which one of these sentences means the same thing as the weirdly spelled sentence?

the sentence is :its true that the companies don't put junk in young peoples mouths

is it B

B means the opposite. Which one means the SAME?


To clarify the meaning of the sentence, we need to analyze the given statement: "its true that the companies don't put junk in young people's mouths." This sentence implies that companies are not responsible for feeding junk food to young people. Now, let's examine the options provided:

A. "Young people like eating junk food." This option suggests that young people have a preference for consuming junk food. However, it does not directly address the statement about companies not being responsible for providing junk food to young people. Therefore, option A does not clarify the meaning of the sentence.

B. "Junk food companies target young people." This option aligns with the idea that companies are involved in providing junk food to young people. It provides an explanation that supports the statement's meaning. Hence, option B clarifies the meaning of the sentence.

C. "Companies put junk food in adults' mouths." This option shifts the focus from young people to adults, which is not consistent with the original statement. Therefore, option C does not clarify the meaning of the sentence.

D. "Companies don't force young people to eat junk food." This option directly supports the original statement, stating that companies do not compel young people to consume junk food. It provides an accurate explanation for the given sentence. Thus, option D also clarifies the meaning of the sentence.

Therefore, both options B and D can clarify the meaning of the sentence.